Plum role

Up and working on a new French brief. Lucky that the commute was just downstairs. Worked on cattle diseases, and had a lovely chat and a strong but thorny brief with Val in Paris. Lorraine pottering about the house, and doing a clutch of jobs that she never has time for usually.

Had a chat with Mason this morning, whose birthday it was today.

Then we went to our respective gyms at lunchtime. I weighed myself when I returned, and having not drunk for the last few days, eaten moderately, and exercised I seem already to have shed several excess holiday pounds. But we are officially on a health jag at the moment. Having lapped up ouzos and beers on holiday every day, rather good to simply not drink for a bit. Spent the day mulling over the brief and doing some concept work. Although I'm still fumbling for the go button on my brain.

Just loving lurking amiably at home with Lorraine. I finished work at five, and we had a quiet night catching up with a few quality programmes, and eating a delicious and healthy salad, with couscous, tuna and boiled egg. And more plum crumble.
