Caterpillars and macaroons

Lorraine and I in the garden doing something of a tidy up, and discussing how the garden should be and sketching on pads and so on. Once we'd done a bit of digging and planting and potting, and a certain amount of taking a photo of a caterpillar, we had coffee in the garden fairly well pleased with our plans.

Off in the afternoon, via Real Patisserie to Janet's, while Lorraine and Beth went to Lorraine's gym. 

Good to see Janet and Ken and we shared some of the little Real Patisserie fancies, I had a chocolate macaroon which was rather nice, little strawberry tarts, and talk. Janet is being positive about managing her situation, and is showing her usual strength of character, although she is waking up at night. She said a mutual friend had offered her a joint last week. Janet said she never smoked joints, although in her younger days did enjoy them in cookies. Just good to talk with her, as usual. I'm going to call around next week.

I caught the bus back home, on the top deck of the bus which was empty apart from me and a young woman a few rows behind me. She began talking on her phone animatedly about religion and God. But it was not a religion I knew, from the hints she was giving, it sounded like Manichaeism. Even when I got off the bus I was still intrigued, and reminded of the passionate certainty people can feel about their ideas when young.  

Home and Lorraine came home with Beth shortly after. John having a gig tonight. We ended up spontaneously drifting down to The Park View where we had a beer outside in the beer garden, and then another inside with a meal. Nice to hear about Beth's recent trip to Bristol for a day's shoot for some commercial work for a law firm. Sounded like really good experience. A cheery dinner.  Beth got a bus back home and Lorraine had a sedate evening in.

Below, some rather nice caterpillars in our garden. Unable to find out what species they are on Google.
