Stopped again
Slept through the night for the first time in ages. Lorraine brought be tea in bed before going to work. Went for a quick walk to the corner shop to buy some bread, and found that quite enough exercise for one day. Cancelled a drink with Anton tonight. Had a FaceTime with Mum, who said it had been snowing in Edgware I was due to see her tomorrow, but have biffed that till next week. About ten minutes after we stopped talking, there was a flurry here too. Lorraine had a brief half an hour blizzard of sleety snow in Bolney too. Slept heavily in the afternoon. A covid test this evening was negative, so I am none the wiser. Probably I am just tired and allowing myself to relax. Feeling a bit frustrated that this was the week I could really get down to my own work, and also keep going with the gym. Enjoyed reading my horoscope today, however, which said I would be full of athletic energy and enthusiasm. A big plus, however, was I wrote the first few hundred words of a new short ...