A tidy mind

The work I sent to Paris yesterday went down well, and just a smidge of checking work to be done at some point once they have let their in house creatives loose on it to tidy up. Did some tinkering with Grace 2. Went for only a short walk. Otherwise I chose today to do a thorough tidy up of my study, and filed stuff away and got sorted, and feel a good deal better for it. If in doubt, tidy up. Always works. Was listening to Prince while I did so.

Beth cheerily checking out another flat today, so she drove Lorraine to and from school.

Anton popped around in his car to pick up the Sherlock Holmes game he lent us. Although, unlike Lorraine, I dislike boardgames (something that Anton sees as a moral failing of the worst sort) the Sherlock Holmes game was one I disliked less than most. Anton took the opportunity to insist that my blue front door was purple and that this was also a failure on my part to see colour properly. I considered showing him the paint tin with blue written on it, but that would have been futile. In other Anton news, he has bought himself a deck of designer tarot cards, as he is a lover of cards of all sorts. A headscarf and hooped earrings can only be a matter of time.

Lorraine home tired after work. Apart from the rigours of her day, this waking up at six malarkey takes a little getting used to again. Once she had some chicken wraps made by Beth, with salad leaves, a little chocolate, a glass of wine, had her feet rubbed, and she had watched an episode of the Great British Sewing Bee, she was bright enough to watch an episode of Cardinal, a Canadian Cop show featuring the discovery of a man found kneeling, with his head flung back, frozen to death in the great outdoors. An arresting image. The character had cast off all his clothes as, we learned, in the end stages of hypothermia you feel very hot. A couple of episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and then to bed.
