What with it being the last day of June, a steady rain in Brighton. I stayed in all day, and worked through my list of things I didn't particularly want to do, such as making a osteopath appointment, a doctor's appointment about the wretched ears, uploaded a tiny YouTube video of Someone else's patch in my Little Horrors collection which I recorded several weeks ago. Also wrote to Jane and Richard, from whom I got a lovely email back, wrote to Tess Jolly about the uncanny, and took a photo of a snail, whose people were busy chomping through everything in the garden. I cooked a bean jar today. The smell permeated through the house all day, and was pretty tasty. It was a beef one, it is the only thing I cook with beef, with herbs from the garden, eaten with chewy brown loaf was rather delicious. Chatting to Mum this afternoon, who was heroically filling in tax forms. The revenue normally sends someone around to help, but... plague etc. Lorraine home this evening, tir...