Maureen casts a spell

Up and writing poems at the kitchen table on my laptop. Enjoyable. I'm not sure where they fall at the moment.

Lorraine doing story time in the Library this morning. I also had a nice chat with Pat and Maureen.  Feeling a bit antsy and sleepy this afternoon and went for a short walk to wake myself up, and I was feeling sluggish this afternoon.

Off this evening in the car to the Welly where Lorraine dropped me off with Pat and Maureen, where we had a table booked for fish and chip suppers. We met Adele, Patrick and Steve. Enjoyed some food and a few beers. Maureen telling everyone about her life as a child, curiously spellbinding: her father's return from the war a changed man, and then his accident, he worked as an asphalter and falling under the big flattening wheel breaking his legs, and his refusal to go to hospital even though Maureen could see his bones.  Good to see Patrick and Adele. Lorraine took Pat and Maureen home and I stayed for a bit longer with the others. Interesting conversations about Berlin, and protest music, which Patrick had just finished a dissertation on, and so on. 

Below a Canute-like man I saw on my walk.
