Starting the study

Lorraine home this morning.  Up and breakfast, and toying with a poem first thing, called Viagra from Vancouver, a true story based on getting a spam from Gwen (my Grandmother's name) offering me cheap viagra from Vancouver.

Discovered I had left the utility room ajar last night, and Brian saw the opportunity to have a dry poo behind the waste bin. Very cross, and it was an opportunist poo, as he hasn't done it for days.

Then a bout of tidying. We then started sorting out my study, migrating stuff into the guest room. By the end of the day, I had dissembled my desk, and with Lorraine's help all the shelving was off the wall. Many of the screws were ridiculously deep and had been glued in situ. We peeled off most of the top layer of wallpaper. There is quite a bit to be done, but it is good to start and Lorraine had an idea about putting in wood panelling over part of the wall, as it is a damp cold corner.

I was contacted by Val and am doing a spot of work for her tomorrow.

Spoke to mum just to tell her I had followed up on both her parking fines. They were given parking fines for parking their new car in the disabled spot outside the house, before they had received their permit for the new vehicle. My point: don't penalise people further just because they had their car stolen. We shall see. 

A quiet night. The day had been unappealing and rainy and both of us in a bit of a flat mood. The night a night to gold sofa it.  Re watched Starship Troopers, a film I really like, and happily scarfed salmon stir fry. 

Below: this place is crawling!
