To Hove

Spoke to Toby this afternoon, as I was on the train just leaving Seaford. Every now and then technology, invisible to so many of us already, still strike me as remarkable -- that I can be chatting to my brother in Canada while looking out of a train at the English Channel in Sussex. 

Off late this afternoon to Hove, where I met Anton. Just after I went through the barriers a thwack of an older man falling onto the floor on his forehead. Luckily people were helping him immediately, and the station people had called for help. I couldn't add anything to the help he was getting, but just walking away felt bad though.

Great to see Anton as ever, and put the world to right over a few beers. Ate at The Stirling Arms, which is what the Foragers has now become, street food, of all kinds. I had a couple of small cheesy olive chilli and avocado and chicken taco (all the ingredients in small amounts, and some generous ribs. Lots to chat over. Anton quite interested by the stuff I'd hopped onto. He was also interested in the photo of my biological father, which he thought looked lots like me and Toby. After this we walked down to The Better Half, for a final pint. Anton a bit short changed by the fact I had been there a few times before.

Walked back to the Hove station, and I caught a train to Brighton, and then a train to Lewes, and then one to Seaford. A bit of a long journey. Home to my lovely, and to watch a bit of Match of the Day.

Two random snaps of the day. A picture I happened to be sitting next to in The Stirling Arms, and the carwash in the garage near me. Looks weird by night.
