A rumbling sky

Up and off to Borde Hill Gardens this morning, just north of Haywards Heath (aka by me at least as Hateful Heath). A beautiful gardens. 

On Friday Lorraine spontaneously invited Freya to come with us as Steve was off shooting black powder pistols, as is his wont. 

She was great company, and we learned about her life in California, and her time in Berlin and living in San Franciso and so on. One out of the car, it was a bit of a race against the weather. We bought some unusual plants from the plant show, and then had a walk around the gardens. It began thundering and there were some jags of lightning just to the west of the garden. I reminded Freya that this was the traditional end to a trip out in Blighty. However by the time we reached Seaford the sun had returned. Freya somehow with Lorraine’s assistance hooked our smart TV up with her film library — and we have lots of films now to watch. 

While this was going on (all a bit password heavy for me) I popped to Morrisons. There were no trolleys, and only one basket when I arrived. The world’s going to the dogs. Home and having kindly hooked us up, Freya went back to Steve’s place. 

Lorraine and I did little afterwards.  Later I cooked and we watched the last half of Everything Everywhere All at once. Good fun. Then my trousers started rumbling with the sound of my lightning tracer going off.

 There was a humongous storm in the channel moving inland. Lorraine and I drove down to the seafront between Seaford and Newhaven at about 10:30 and sat in the car, and when the rain gave off for a bit, stood overlooking the sea, which was lighting up every second or so with flashes. 

A lovely sight — and the harbinger of summer's overdue end. Eventually we went back home, and went to bed. I then got up again, and secured the cover of the seating outside,  as the sky flashed wildly and rain fell. Inside again, I left the curtains open for a bit and enjoyed the show. 

Below Lorraine and Freya, the pond in the Italian garden just as the thunder was about to start, and later that evening an accidental screenshot of lighting strikes on my app. Each red one is a strike. The circular blue dot in the top right hand corner is where we are.
