Sarah Sprinkles jets in

Up at the crack of dawn to get ready and clean the bathroom. Then off by train to Gatwick. Naturally I went to the wrong terminal first, and had to leg it to the right one. Fortunately for me I wasn't late as Sprinkles was being grilled by immigration and didn't pop out for another half an hour or so.

Finally she toddled through and it was lovely to meet her in person after so many Skype chats. Big hugs and then off to the train, and we were quickly in Brighton. Sarah looking out of the window and loving the buildings and the green of it all was making her think of Wisconsin.

Remarkably unfazed by her journey, Sprinkles didn't seem tired at all, which was good as the poor girl was plunged into all kinds of activities from the get go. We got home and had Bucks Fizz and sat in my yard. Later I cooked us both a big breakfast before we set off to the local park where there was a gathering for Oskar's first birthday.

Forcing Sprinkles up the steep hill by my house was a bit of a challenge after a transatlantic flight. But when we arrived at the park, there were lots of friends. Anna and Anton and thier mates, many of whom I am now on good terms with too including Rick, Sam and Martin and Pam. Nicely for me there were also Stephanie and David, Anna's mum and dad, Anton's mum and dad Anne and Keith, and his uncle John and Sue all of whom I really like and hadn't seen for ages.

The whole thing was very friendly and jolly. Sprinkles showing remarkable poise, chatting and cheerful with everyone. Sarah and I went back to Anton and Anna's place after for a glass of champagne with the family. A big adoration fest of Klaudia and Oskar, who were both being stars.

Left the presents of a big red rocket thing for Oskar, and some handmade gifts Sarah had brought over for the bairns.

Then I took Sprinkles back home and we had an enjoyable and low-key recovery evening chatting and revelling in my big screen TV, while scarfing a Chinese takeaway.
