Tea in the Twitten

Languorous and warm Easter Sunday. Got started writing early, and have rewritten completely a poem which has been unfocused for years. And bingo! It works.

When not talking to Sprinkles for hours today, receiving instruction in rather off colour Tagalog and learning a host of other things, I did gardening. I planted a climbing rose and swept and planted and pulled bits of rubbish in bags from one corner of my yard to the other.

Got talking at length to my neighbours Naomi and Steve. They were also gardening. Steve made us a cup of tea and we had a really neighbourly chat. Their oldest little lad is not yet three, and later as he watched me pull bits from the flowerbed he had a long conversation with me about subjects ranging from Bob the Builder to snails and kangaroos. Amazingly good language from such a small thing.

Then a long and lovely cyberdate with Sprinkles before blessed bed.
