A toe in the water
Off to work feeling untraumatised. Arriving at the office, I found there was little to do, and the Gnome still on holiday. So had two brief chats with Anton about Dragons, talked to Mum. And swapped emails with Aimee who has had lively time of it when her friend fell off a fire escape down three stories and broke lots of bones and bled heavily. She said that she went for a manicure the next day, and the manicurist was complaining about her dirty nails not knowing it was her friend's blood. Also First Matie who is under the cosh as usual, and Sprinkles who was having ideas for TV programmes. Spoke to the French Bloke who has also taken up gardening, with a chainsaw.
Happy to sit at work, watching the red buses cross the river on the green and gold of Hammersmith Bridge every now and again. A lovely warm day and Trace and I had a walk for an hour at lunchtime talking about psychics. Little to do in the afternoon too, so I melted away early. Wonderful to be heading for home again, and I sleepily began to listen to the Audiobook of the Time Traveler's Wife.
Home and watered some plants, ate cold chicken and pickle sandwiches. Watched some football with both Manchester United (putting in a fantastic 7-1 performance against Roma) and the noble Chelsea reaching the semi finals of the European Cup.
Then IM with the lovely Sprinkles before bed 'n' zeds.
Off to work feeling untraumatised. Arriving at the office, I found there was little to do, and the Gnome still on holiday. So had two brief chats with Anton about Dragons, talked to Mum. And swapped emails with Aimee who has had lively time of it when her friend fell off a fire escape down three stories and broke lots of bones and bled heavily. She said that she went for a manicure the next day, and the manicurist was complaining about her dirty nails not knowing it was her friend's blood. Also First Matie who is under the cosh as usual, and Sprinkles who was having ideas for TV programmes. Spoke to the French Bloke who has also taken up gardening, with a chainsaw.
Happy to sit at work, watching the red buses cross the river on the green and gold of Hammersmith Bridge every now and again. A lovely warm day and Trace and I had a walk for an hour at lunchtime talking about psychics. Little to do in the afternoon too, so I melted away early. Wonderful to be heading for home again, and I sleepily began to listen to the Audiobook of the Time Traveler's Wife.
Home and watered some plants, ate cold chicken and pickle sandwiches. Watched some football with both Manchester United (putting in a fantastic 7-1 performance against Roma) and the noble Chelsea reaching the semi finals of the European Cup.
Then IM with the lovely Sprinkles before bed 'n' zeds.