Up to Edgware

Up to Edgware. Nice to see Mum, not having been able to see her for a few weeks due to covid and so on. A smooth journey there, though I was struggling with my lightning app, which makes a thunder noise when there is a nearby storm. The train passed by the edge of a big storm, and my trousers kept ominously rumbling.

Fine in London. I was sporting my new coat, and was warm. To Mum's, then off to the Waggon and Horses. Some upstart in our seat, however, so we sat at a table near the men in the corner, Steve, Paul, and Jim who has just lost his wife, and the Bailiff whose name I don't know. They were their usual cheery selves and chatting to Mum lots. I asked Mum about coming down for Christmas, or a bit of a break. But she worries so much about Felix being left on his own, that she can't do it. Felix was treated horribly as a kitten and is easily spooked.  

Back to Mum's. A van is parking outside her house in her spot, but Wynford was there and said she could park in his front garden again. A cup of tea and then I set off back to Seaford. Home at around seven. Another decent journey. Glad to feel the sea wind blowing me down Salisbury Road to Kenny Towers. More stormy weather forecast and colder temperatures. Nice to be on the gold sofa with my lovely Lorraine and the cats. 
