Having expected Brian not to come back from the vet yesterday and feeling very sad about it, having him back is a bit like living with a ghost, but one that continues to get under your feet in the kitchen. Seeing him fitting yesterday was traumatic. But there he is living another of his nine lives, and we are able to rumple his head still and he is hanging out like nothing happened.
The Covid rolls boringly on. During the pandemic, I bought a blood oxygen meter. It works by sticking your finger into a gadget. Lorraine wanted to use it this morning, and she was quite low, we did it again after she got up and it was fine. She has been feeling occasionally breathless. After she did it again, I tried and was a bit low, then switched fingers and the score improved. The last thing I need is a new way to be hyper vigilant.
I read Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, by Carlo Rovelli, which I found interesting. Finger on the pulse as ever, I have some faint grasp on the theory of relativity, and how the universe is not a Newtonian box filled with planets and stars, and lots of emptiness, what space is, is a magnetic field that is wonderfully curved and rippled. And that physics is all a bit trippy, unlike Mr Knight's O level class deep in the last century.
Lorraine and I watched the movie Serenity tonight, the final gasp of the Firefly franchise. Lorraine and I now reading The Silver Chair, the penultimate C.S.Lewis Narnia book.
However I am feeling brighter this evening, which is a good sign. Hopefully Lorraine and I will be full of beans soon.