Busy doing little

Sylwia came to clean for us for a few hours this morning. She did an extremely thorough job on the kitchen, and it was delightful to walk about in clean and tidiness not having done it yourself. Lorraine of to do rhyme time. Me struggling with a long poem. Later I went to the Lanes Eatery to see if a change of scenery would help me. But it didn't much. Then I met up with Lorraine, Pat and Maureen for a bite to eat at Harry Nats. A cafe we first noticed shortly after arriving in Seaford, because a car had driven through the front window.   

A cheeky cheese and ham toastie in there. A nice enough place, but the fact that there was no salt or pepper, or sugars on the table lent it a parsimonious air. Poor  Pat and Maureen much perplexed by the mystery of having lost their keys, despite letting themselves into their home with them. They and Lorraine have torn the place apart looking for them.  

Low energy again this afternoon. I had promised to see Robin's poetry reading in Seaford on Friday, but realised I was seeing Carl in London. Sheepish note to Robin. Luckily Lorraine might go with some of her book club mates.

Having had a restorative post covid snooze this afternoon, off for a bit of a walk, while Lorraine was chatting with Rosie. Home and a nice evening together. Grateful, that tomorrow we don't have to be anywhere.

