Bardic afternoon

A cheery day. Woke up feeling as if a cloud had lifted. Lorraine and I started peeling old wallpaper from the big bathroom. Much of the bathroom is tiled, but there is a strip of biscuit coloured wallpaper running around the room. We are replacing this with a fairly muted olive green which will nicely bring out the colours of the tiles.  

In the afternoon we made our way to Patrick and Adele's house and spent the next several hours reading aloud Richard The Second, the Shakespeare play. I had never read this before, and I really enjoyed it. Was a play about a weak king who, rather mysteriously, gives up his throne without a fight. We sat about eating snacks and eventually having a couple of drinks while doing this in an array of silly voices attempting to help the parts sound different. Adele slipping in and out of a Birmingham accent into a few others. 

Lorraine and I were invited up to Patrick's music studio and we heard the latest version of Shiny Shoes, which he had been working on lots since I last heard it. Sounding really good now, and he has tweaked it loads. Meanwhile Adele had just begun her Foundation course, and we looked at some of the work she had done on the first weekend. Both Lorraine and I both really liked a piece that was done by erasing charcoal from a page, this technique meant that the objects seemed to have a weird luminosity about them. 

Lorraine and I walked home in the frosty night. Passed a fox sleeping outside a school building. The fox didn't want to move when we were near it, and it seemed reluctant to move from the little patch it must have warmed. 
