
Started with a mind map, this morning. What do I do first?  I have two poetry collections being written simultaneously.  I have about ten published short stories (and I today I found one that was published back in 2004 called Coelacanth which I had completely forgotten) to organise into a ms, I have 70% of a novel called Nothing Compares To You; plus the eternal question of whether I should have another go at Magnificent Grace,  (on that I had a note from Tess Jolly recently). I also have a play, for which I have a title only, to write, and a new project which I have been thinking about recently. I need to avoid wasting time flogging dead horses  -- and need some quick wins. Yesterday I learned that I was placed nowhere in a poetry pamphlet competition. Poetry loves letting you down when you need a win.

I am trying to make some mental space for all this, but freelance stuff keeps intruding. I pulled out of a freelance job supposed to start with Keith on Thursday. I put them in touch with another writer who has worked with Keith, but the agency pulled out as I was not involved, obviously I felt a bit rotten for Keith.  In the evening an email instructing me to do a job tomorrow. Bizarre. Obviously I told them 'no' in no uncertain terms, but it left me feeling very irritated.

Escaped into the garden this afternoon with Lorraine, getting earth ready for planting beans and peas, found bright metallic green and bronze beetles in the soil. I think are called rose chafers, a name which implies that they eat flowers in the summer.  Also finishing off making the first frame for the last small raised bed. Ran out of coach screws though, so was unable to finish the job. 

Below, discovering a rose chafer in the soil...
