Recovery day

Recovery day one. Our first morning in Ashford. Lorraine and I lay in bed, amid a pile of our boxes and cases, and sorted out the gas, electric, broadband, water and so on. Slowly up and a toast breakfast. More sorting of things, banks and paying Bearded Bros, and Lorraine chasing her pension people and so on, while chatting to Maureen and Pat.

Lorraine and I went for a short afternoon walk down past St Mary's church -- where Lorraine's nan and great aunt are buried -- to pick up prescriptions for Pat and Maureen in the apparently badly run pharmacy. A slow long queue which Lorraine joined. We talked to a woman outside, who turned out to be Jenny Bickle, who went to school with Lorraine.

A short amble through the green bits down by the little river, then home again. We are both feeling very weary after the exertions of the day. In the evening Lorraine, Maureen and I drove off to Tesco to do some shopping. This followed by a light supper and an early night. 

A nice note from Charlotte about one of my poems in the new Frogmore Papers one hundredth issue. A launch beano in Lewes tonight, but I am just far too exhausted to contemplate the long train ride to Lewes. That annoying feeling of a party going on without you.

