Working and walking

Working well on the story this morning. Went off to the gym at lunch and had arranged to meet Innis for a coffee afterwards. Instead, however, he picked me up and we drove to Stanmer House where we had a coffee outside in the little cafe, while listening to some kind of meeting with a P.G.Wodehouse Aunt type on a nearby table hectoring on about conserving woodland and talking about bats and trees and birds. I agreed with everything she was saying, but the way she was saying it was a bit trying. She had an extinction rebellion sticker on her notebook, I noticed when we walked past.

Then a bit of a walk in the woods with Innis chatting about things, and he took lots of photos. I like watching him take photos.

Then he drove me home, and I got back to work. As Lorraine was very late home tonight I worked till nine then watched episodes of Tales from the City, and drank a gin and tonic till she was safely home.

I'm liking snapping in black and white at the moment. This dead tree looks cool in B&W. Below Innis looking at his camera.
