Searching for still water

Feeling tired and have had a bellyful of commuting. To work, luckily the regular staff are a on their Christmas jolly in the Isle of Wight and so the stress level was much lower, and I was left to get on with it. With only a few freelancers about the place, the atmosphere much friendlier. Working on a few concepts with a nice art director called Daren. At lunchtime I got a surprisingly excellent soup from Eat.

After work sauntered across to Tavistock Square and had a couple of enjoyable drinks and a catch up with First Matie, who is off to the forest tomorrow, and said hello to some of my other chums there.

A message from Jane, who has been doing more of her Camilla work here featured in the Daily Mail. Looks like a great deal of fun.

Started listening to Ford Maddox Ford's A Good Soldier as an audio book as it had appeared on one of those lists about the 100 best novels of the 20th century and I'd never even heard of it. Rather good. I was shocked recently at looking at one of those lists and only having read 60 or so of the books. I want to fill in all the gaps.

Below enjoying passing Nic Fiddian-Green's monumental beautiful bronze horse sculpture Still Water at Marble Arch, here glimpsed through the grimy rear window of a 73 bus. Looking for moments of stillness at the moment.
