Multitasking and kippers

Working at home for First Matie today, on 18 different emails, six different web pages employing six different documents as source material. Sadly I was having a bit of a small brain attack and several hours of juggling all these windows on my computer made me feel like screaming. Men and multitasking: it's problematic.

Paused to engorge kippers for lunch, the odoriferous herring permeating my house questionably through the afternoon hours. Far more pleasantly I got nice calls from Ash about a Dell curry night and other matters, and from Bob and Mum and Lorraine.

Then in the evening, after turning off my computer with a sigh, a boys night in with Anton. Playing records and CDs including a stormer by Brigitte Bardot on his wonderful stereo. We forked down some excellent pasta and cheese, and sipped wine. Listened amongst other things to some Johnny Cash, my interest piqued a little by the Walk the Line film I saw the other day.

Lay in bed listening to thunder.


Kate said…
Sorry it was such a painful job Pete. Still, saved me having to do it. :-)