The ON button

Up at six to get into work early. Managed to locate the Peter Kenny ON button and worked in a highly-focused burst for an hour and a half. Doing what seemed like a day's work. Then at the official start of the day a client meeting to discuss how to pin down the exact copy tone for a particular brand. I jumped up at some point and made with the mind maps. Amazing how simple stuff like pinning down the target audience, and getting them to imagine who the author of the letter is, can make people's hair stream out behind them as if the were standing in a wind tunnel of inspiration.

Then I tucked into the wraps and sandwiches. And sneaking out from the working lunch for ten minutes I spoke to briefly to Sophie, who sounded very stressed. We talked for ten minutes, she cried a little, and then said she felt loads better.

After work went to Waterloo to meet Bob and his very nice colleague Maria who is a lawyer and was born in Jamaica. We had a very fun evening chatting, and drinking (rather a lot) and eating at a French restaurant near the South Bank. Ended up at the Mulberry Bush which is opposite the IBM building I used to work in. Gave Mad Dog (as a fellow hypochondriac) his long life and good health charm bought in the grounds of the Golden Temple in Japan.

The call of the seagull was rather too faint and ended up getting home really late and feeling grumpy. But then had a skype conversation with Sarah, though probably not best timed, made me feel cheery again.
