Brand expression and potato soup

A while ago I had a conversation with Janet about portfolio careers - where basically you do lots of different jobs at the same time instead of just one. Additionally Sarah recently mentioned that she thinks of herself as a brand. She even has her own logo. This made me think that if you think of yourself as a brand, and all your activities as brand expressions, it seems very limiting to do just one thing. After all, very few organisations create or manufacture just one product. Of course we all express ourselves in ways outside our jobs. But it is limiting to think of yourself as capable of only making money in one way.

This also appeals to my cautious side. After all, putting all your eggs in one basket isn't always a good thing either, especially in a volatile industry like advertising.

Sent an email to the local radio wondering if they would be interested in a feature about the dragon quest I'm doing with Anton.

After work I met Simon in Dean Street. He has now sold the guest house in Scotland and has moved south again with the family. Great catching up with him. Laughing about being at University together and remembered a particularly noxious and watery potato soup we made when utterly skint and living in a hovel in Leamington. It was the sort of vile slop Raskolnikov ate in Crime and Punishment. Ugh.

Home and spoke to the delight
ful Sarah, about all manner of things, and retired to bed rather late.
