Migraine and road drills

A day's holiday today. And a general feeling of wussiness on Sunday evolved into migraine. Woke up in astonishingly bad pain in the middle of the night. For a few seconds I was convinced I was dying. However once I was fully awake things were okay. Went onto the NHS Direct website, which works as a kind of triage system for hypochondriacs, and it told me that my headache was safe to manage at home and not call people out of their beds at 4:00am.

Ate pills and then tried to sleep again. Imagine my delight when the heavy digging machinery started some 10 feet away from my head a few hours later. Typical that the one time I've had a migraine since I've been in Brighton, it coincides with infernal, house-shuddering banging immediately outside my window.

Had to renege on the Dragon walk today, which was more than annoying. Anton went on another walk on his own. I lurked about trying to recover. Enjoyed watching a DVD of Peter Brook's Lord of The Flies, between the crashing outside, made in 1963 in black and white. Lovely cinematography though. Black and white really helps some films, being able to suggest a desert island without being too distracting.

Found these two rather nice videos by The Guillemots and John Vanderslice on You Tube. Bought the CDs they come from at the weekend, and these are on heavy rotation items in the Twitten as I seem to be going through an intelligent but undemanding pop phase.

Talking to Sarah has been nice, she always manages to make me feel profoundly cheery. Bob called too, saying he has to go to Scotland and asserting that Edinburgh is built on the plan of a Union flag, which I find unlikely.

Frustrated to waste a holiday, although excellently I have another one tomorrow. Not being as productive as I'd like at the moment: I want results. And sitting at home with a throbbing headache is a waste of time on all fronts.

Still it gives me the opportunity to moan, which is to be credited.
