The heat is on
I'm hoping The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's findings actually prompt some concerted action in the world. Will it get major governments (like the US) to admit climate change is happening? All the rest of us have to do is look out into the nearest garden. Below is a shot taken in Magravine Cemetery this morning of spring bulbs in full bloom. They started in January - the first full month of winter. I find it very disturbing.
I was overheating too. Arrived early to do some urgent work to discover I had been locked out of all the computer systems for not completing my timesheets. They had been completed and I had made special efforts the day before so I wouldn't be locked out. Wasted an hour shouting at people, making phone calls and finally exploding with rage until it was sorted. Then, racing against time, I lost the same piece of copy twice due a software crash. Then after completely writing it from scratch the for the second time, the original reappeared on the system.
However some other work The Gnome and me had gone down very well when we presented it to the client. Had a brief discussion with a senior suit Nicoletta about this in the office bar, and her fiance turned up. He is an opera singer, and I had quite an interesting chat with him about acting in opera.
Was sent galley proofs of my poems in the forthcoming Hudson View magazine, between the proofs and the galleys new errors had cropped up. Meanwhile my wait for responses from Ambit and Poetry London to my manuscripts is now I think in its fifth month.
Home and I decided to pop into the Chinese takeaway. A little girl, who seemed to me to be about five or six, was standing on a box behind the counter reading a picture book about insects. After my order was taken she ducked under the counter, and sat next to me to have a conversation about earwigs. She then told me that there was something incredibly beautiful in the book and asked me to guess what it was. When I said I thought it might be a butterfly, she looked at me completely amazed and said, "You speak the truth!" which made me smile a lot.
Later under the full moon in the Twitten a bunch of noisy teenagers had gathered. One of whom was sneezing loudly just under my study window every twenty seconds. Later one of them knocked on my door before running away. Not exactly a major crime but still made me feel like loping after them with a hammer.
Spoke late and sleepily to Sarah who'd also had a sucky work day in stormy Florida, before hitting the sack.
I'm hoping The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's findings actually prompt some concerted action in the world. Will it get major governments (like the US) to admit climate change is happening? All the rest of us have to do is look out into the nearest garden. Below is a shot taken in Magravine Cemetery this morning of spring bulbs in full bloom. They started in January - the first full month of winter. I find it very disturbing.
I was overheating too. Arrived early to do some urgent work to discover I had been locked out of all the computer systems for not completing my timesheets. They had been completed and I had made special efforts the day before so I wouldn't be locked out. Wasted an hour shouting at people, making phone calls and finally exploding with rage until it was sorted. Then, racing against time, I lost the same piece of copy twice due a software crash. Then after completely writing it from scratch the for the second time, the original reappeared on the system.
However some other work The Gnome and me had gone down very well when we presented it to the client. Had a brief discussion with a senior suit Nicoletta about this in the office bar, and her fiance turned up. He is an opera singer, and I had quite an interesting chat with him about acting in opera.
Was sent galley proofs of my poems in the forthcoming Hudson View magazine, between the proofs and the galleys new errors had cropped up. Meanwhile my wait for responses from Ambit and Poetry London to my manuscripts is now I think in its fifth month.
Home and I decided to pop into the Chinese takeaway. A little girl, who seemed to me to be about five or six, was standing on a box behind the counter reading a picture book about insects. After my order was taken she ducked under the counter, and sat next to me to have a conversation about earwigs. She then told me that there was something incredibly beautiful in the book and asked me to guess what it was. When I said I thought it might be a butterfly, she looked at me completely amazed and said, "You speak the truth!" which made me smile a lot.
Later under the full moon in the Twitten a bunch of noisy teenagers had gathered. One of whom was sneezing loudly just under my study window every twenty seconds. Later one of them knocked on my door before running away. Not exactly a major crime but still made me feel like loping after them with a hammer.
Spoke late and sleepily to Sarah who'd also had a sucky work day in stormy Florida, before hitting the sack.