A Bramber interlude
Finally put the first episode of season five of the podcast to bed. It features my interview with Danez Smith. A bit of a beast this episode for various reasons. Robin didn't finish her bits till Lorraine and I were already trundling off to Bramber in the car to see Dawn and Paul for lunch as she decided to re-record a couple of things she had said as there had been a glitch. So I was late uploading it.
Lorraine and I spent a cheery couple of hours with them. Quizzed Paul on a couple of things to do with psychology. He is excellent on things he is passionate about. Wonderful to see Dawn who was looking very well and happy, which is wonderful to see. She is planning to do a film editing course. There was a an apple and berry pie too, for the win.
Home and then a frenzy of uploading, and posting the episode onto social media, we also did a spot of gardening where I plunged my hand into some compost and nastily sliced my little fingertip on a broken flower pot, which bled lots.
A relaxed evening, and Lorraine and I went to bed early. I was looking at my new book that Anton had bought me called The Real and The Romantic by Frances Spalding on visual art in England between the first and second war. Lots of lovely pictures in it too, and an authoritative text. I like authoritative texts.