In our Eden

A lovely sunny day, and after getting up for breakfast and calling both mums, we plunged into the garden and spent the next eight hours outside. I mowed and strimmed the lawn edges, and with a spade and shears, cut back the overlapping grass back to the path, cut the big hedge, finished building bits of the pond, tidied up the fish pond, we moved one of the big plants  hefting sacks of earth around, and generally tidied and made good. Lorraine replanting, hefting rocks, digging up a suffering acer and re potting it, and wobbling precariously on the island rockery thing getting into the difficult nooks and crannies and doing a hundred other jobs in the greenhouse, clearing paths and so on.

We broke for lunch. Lorraine brought some food out, and I was just finishing cutting a path through long grass and Lorraine popped in to get her drink, when Robert made off with the lump of cheese from my plate. Thieving wretch. Despite this, lunch was lovely, and we continued working till almost seven. Then we sat in our summerhouse, all warm and filled with the westering sun and had a cold beer. All right with the world.

A huge veggie shepherd's pie afterwards, very well earned. Both of us stiff and creaky in the evening. I noticed I'd done 9k paces without ever leaving the Kenny estate.

Two views of the pond in progress. Looked more complete by the end of the day. I added more earth to the mound. There are rotting logs sunk into it for insects, we transferred a plant from the fishpond into it too. I trimmed back the plant growth in the fishpond, and lay it on the pebbles, so that assorted denizens clinging to the pondweed would creep into the new pond.  There's an area to be sown with native flowers by the side of the pond too. 

