Yelpin' and a screamin'

I could only lie in one position all night, and slept fitfully. It took me half an hour of yelping and screaming with Lorraine helping me before I could get out of bed and stand up. Easily the worst back pain I've ever had. Luckily Maureen's three wheeled walker, proved a boon once I was out of bed. But the day a bit grim and weirdly exhausting and not able to do much of anything, not even writing.

Amanda, who has almost finished painting our bedroom and en suite, very kindly brought a TENS machine in for me, which sends small electrical prickles into your back to block the pain. Interesting feeling, and I think it did work or at least distracted me. I however was able to sleep for a while this afternoon on the sofa, and able to scramble up afterwards on my own.  

Lorraine fabulous, and basically did everything while I sat about whimpering. Why my gorgeous wife doesn't simply press a pillow over my face in the middle of the night, I'll never know.

