Frost on the fort

Lorraine up and off to work before the sparrows. An anxious start to the day, with Lorraine being messaged extremely early about staff needing covid tests. Left me finding it hard to concentrate on brainwork. I used the morning to hoover and mop the kitchen floor, do some laundry and so on. If in doubt, tidy up. I also made a covid contingency plan with Robin about the podcast, should one of us get the lurgy. Nice comments from Mario and Clare Best and Charlotte about this week's podcast.

Listening to the Cooper Clarke book, while on my stomp, an interlude of him monkey-sitting for a cafe owning acquaintance in Amsterdam made me laugh aloud.  

Anton on a post work exercise walk, dropped off half of one of his cheesecakes and we had a chat, with him standing out in the street and me at my door. I was set up an interview with Charlotte for next week. and chatted to mum while I was chopping root vegetables for a turkey stew. 

Lorraine home at last, late and having had do deal with a multitude of things. We ate the stew and watched TV, sadly finishing the charming Home For Christmas series on Netflix, and also the last of the new Star Trek series.  I had two more thimbles of chilled Aquavit tonight, a drink I am warming to.

News full of the Trumpists storming of the Capitol, and Covid which is running riot, and that 2020 was the hottest year on record also mentioned once or twice too.     

The frost showing a north-facing part of the ancient hill fort wall nicely.
