To the dustbin of history with you...

Joe Biden's inauguration day. The satanic Trump slinks off to the dustbin of history. But the wounds he busily rubbed salt into for the last four years, still are open. A weird affair on TV at least, with the politicians and J-Lo and Lady Gaga (I can imagine the lunatic Qanon types going on about lizard liberal elites) and a 22 year old poet called Amanda Gorman, going through the motions of history, witnessed in person by a tiny socially distanced crowd, two hundred thousand flags, and off camera thousands of troops packing Washington to prevent a repeat of a Trumpist insurrection. All in all, a big sigh of relief. Biden was busy overturning some of the worst Trump diktats straight away, reaffirming the Paris Accord and rejoining the World Health Organisation and defunding the Mexican wall building.

Spoke to Mum and consulted the hive mind of my facebook friends to give me some perspective on the situation with Mum and the nutcase neighbour wanting to build a fence down their shared path. However Mum already on the case. The collective wisdom, including Carl's expertise having worked for some time at the Land Registry, is that the next door neighbour's plans were not legal as the path is bound to be shared ownership. Mum has already been in touch with a solicitor, and the CAB too, who recommend getting in touch with another one.

Otherwise recording stuff with Robin today, and doing some editing. A dreary old day weather wise and I just nipped out for a short walk and to do a spot of shopping in the rain.

Wrote to my accountant to get him to tell me exactly what I needed to pay on the tax front, and I received an email in the evening, giving me two figures with an unexpected amount to be paid immediately. This nasty little surprise has essentially hoovered up all the doubloons in the Kenny coffers With no confirmed work on the horizon (January is usually quiet) with Brexit and the pandemic seeing off the rest, and owners of Ltd companies receiving no state support, Kenny enterprises is entering a tunnel. Obviously Lorraine will support me for the time being, but I find the whole thing pretty short on laughs.   
