Tidy mind

Slightly nauseous, sore throaty and off colour today, sparking the predictable hypochondria. Lorraine took my temperature which was fine, and eventually even I had to conclude that I was okay. 

Spent the day clearing out my study, arranging and archiving books. Things looking considerably tidier. When the mood takes me for a root and branch tidy, it has to be obeyed as it rarely happens. 

Lorraine went off to see her pal Carolyn today, for a bit of a walk and a chat, but spent most of the day listening to poor Lorraine taking and making calls all day about the school opening again on Monday. Assorted unions, local authorities, scientists and so on are advising against the reopening schools. The Government think resolutely otherwise (except for the last minute U-turns on the policy in London). There is now a vaccine, swathes of the most vulnerable of children's family members are about to be protected (and hopefully teachers too) so why make this the last hill the Government stands on now? It makes no sense.  

Otherwise we battened down the hatches again. Chatted to Pat and Maureen on screen, and watched the new Star Trek and a newly released post apocalyptic sci fi film The Midnight Sky with George Clooney, which was fairly enjoyable. 
