Afternoon in the Open House

Lay in bed this morning reading an essay on a picture of Bathsheba by Rembrandt, by Hélène Cixous which was utterly brilliant. It was so full of ideas it was hard to finish, because it made me want to go away and write things. Wonderful.

Sauntered off through the streets to see Catherine and Tanya this afternoon. We met in the Open House, which is fairly well run, with booths outside, and minimal interaction. High quality chat about all manner of things. They were telling us about a place they stay in which is like a residential library just over the border of North Wales. They made a week of reading in a gorgeous library, and as Catherine said, opening your beak three times a day and being fed, they made it sound brilliant. Sadly they were unable to go this year. 

A couple of beers here, and home again for an undemanding evening with my lovely wifey. 

Below Lorraine spotted this tiny rubber person, on the road surface. Also flowers in our back garden.
