A flying start

Up early with Lorraine, and I felt focused on work, and knew exactly what I was doing. However was ambushed by three (!) poems, or at least starts of poems, that came to me before 8.00am. 

Felt that the rest of the day was a bit of a bonus after that.

Looked at a job application that Betty was preparing, chatted to Mum, went for a few brief walks, and began to pick up the threads of the new Skelton book. Richard agreed to me using a Shakespeare Heptet tune to introduce the podcast, which was cool of him. Wrote to Helen who seems chuffed with the last scene for The Centaur. 

All in all, not too bad really. Lorraine in good spirits tonight, and things a mite easier than last week. 

One should remain on my guard and be sensible about Covid. However, it seems there is a choice between being sensible and feeling continually anxious, or being sensible and remaining calm and getting on with life as best you can. I have chosen the latter.
