Getting it right

Up with a song on my lips. It is worth doing a couple of days travelling into London to remind me of the glories of working from home. Danced past sullen commuters streaming into the station, to do a spot of food shopping before work.

The last of the big website today - a few hours or so of referencing my case studies on a smorgasbord of morbidities, and making up ages for the ailing people I'd invented. I managed to do this from the comfort of my sofa and without foam leaking from my mouth, and only getting up twenty times to teach Calliope to use the newly magnetic cat flap. Finishing website stuff (although never say never etc.) was great, like the last Groundhog Day when everything goes right.

In the evening, assembled a base for my aquarium. Now to decide where to situate the tank; for of course once you set it up, you have to keep it there. Then a big tidy up. Amazing how two days of being out of the house from 7am till 10pm can reduce order to despicable chaos.

Contacted by Betsy who wants be back for a day next week, which is nice. And Randolph a playwright I met at Janet's house, who I'll have coffee with next week.

Lorraine came by this evening. She is having a tough week at work, but a little nip of sloe gin, having her feet savaged by the kitten, and watching an episode of Frasier all seemed to help. She mentioned that Beth has a college project to interview someone, and she's chosen me, which is a nice surprise.

Best of all I can now look forward to a bit of Peter Kenny time, to bash out the entry for the local play writing competition, and complete my Skelton Yawngrave novel. Yippee! Life is sweet.


aimee said…
Glad life is sweet PK - good to hear '09 is treating you well so far! Hugs x
Peter Kenny said…
Thanks Aimee x

09 is fine ;-)