Blue Monday

The most miserable day of the year according to psychologists. As I rushed to get ready, the cat knocked over several things in my bathroom and then fell into the (thankfully just flushed) toilet. I felt cheery enough, although of course a rainy grey Monday morning in January, aboard a creepingly delayed train to Victoria didn't exactly get the pulses racing. Surgical site infections with Betsy and Hannah today was fine, however, and I like everyone I've met at that agency so far.

Watched the share prices of banks plummeting today. My understanding of these things not great, but it contributes to a sense of instability and unease. Obama is inaugurated tomorrow, which seems to be a really hopeful thing.

Curses! My desktop order has been thwarted. NatWest stopped my credit card payment to Dell as a precaution, as it was an Internet deal. So I have to reorder the bloody thing. Fairly fuming over this. Ordering a Dell computer isn't such a strange transaction is it? And instead of phoning you to check that this is something you've actually ordered, they nix the transaction. However my side order of one of those wee 8" screen handheld jobbies did go through - which means my precious laptop won't have to be taken from its nest any more, and I can be wired with bells on my toes wherever I go.

Home journey catching up on podcasts. Heard a talk Bill Drummond (of KLF and burning £1m in notes fame) gave on the future of music. According to him the iPod does away with ever having to buy music again. And apparently the world wide record industry is imploding. But this is "great news for forward thinking music makers working in the next few years. Music is now in the process of being liberated from the shackles of the recorded music genre... (forward thinking music makers) will want to make music that's about time, place and occasion... Music to have meaning beyond something to fill in the background while people get on with the drudgery of life." This was simply an unsupported assertion. But an interesting talk. How many musicians set out to produce music to fill-in the background though? Beyond the Ambients that is. Very few I'd say.

Very happy to be back home tonight, feeling lucky that I have the luxury of working on stuff I want to work on for the rest of the week.
