Traveller's tales

Rather tired after being disturbed by a 2am shouty drunks v police match at the end of the twitten the night before. Saturday however great fun, and after talking to Anna yesterday, I am much clearer about what I need to do in this new chapter if it is to be a success, and my head is full of next steps and Important Things To Do.

Had coffee with Lorraine in the Lanes and then headed back up towards the smoke before making a detour to see the FB and Bouncy Max in Chertsey Meads. Was met at the station by Max with the two babies sleeping in the car. Had a splendid night with them, and Max the Mentor, eating the FB's excellent home made-curry and quaffing wine. All of us pretty restrained after Wednesday's leaving do.
Bouncy Max had something like 8 years travelling and backpacking around the world so is a mine of good travelling stories. She kept a diary all the time, and we have talked two or three times about how this could be the source material for an amazing book.

For example, she was telling us about Zoroastrian Parsi sky burials in India, and the way the bodies are prepared so that when they are left on ledges on the towers of silence so that they can be easily taken away by vultures and eagles, while their juices can drain back to earth. A magnificently poetic thing to have done to your remains.

Below not for the first time I ended up sleeping in the Winnebago (aka The Pimpmobile). This time in a shelfy bit over the cabin. Amazingly comfortable.
