Red drips from the stone

The agency is squeezing the last blood out of the stone. I'm having to finish lots of work, and am still taking a lead role in talking to our clients. I attended a meeting where I was supposed to just be there as a backup, but had to take control for a while as it suddenly went a bit awry. The graveyards are full of indispensable people of course, but it makes me wonder what will happen...

I found time, however, to sneak off for a 40 minute swim. After swimming at the pool for many years, you get to know some of the regulars. The man with dyed red hair said hello to me today after three or four years of swimming up and down in the next lane to me.

After work, I had a chat and a swift beer with a freelance colleague called Rory. He is flying back to Australia this weekend, and his descriptions of beach hut life back home were full of longing. As we looked out at the dark, with him conjuring an Australian summer in a beach hut full of cheery mates brandishing tinnies of beer and looking out at the surf almost made me want to go down under.

Then off for the main business of the day which was to meet Mex for a long-overdue catch up in Victoria. We had a few guffaws, a big gossip fest, a few drinks and a Thai green curry. She is looking, and doing, very well and is enjoying life - and it was very good to see her.

Fond farewells to Mex and then train hell for almost two hours.

On one train with some African guy who obviously had mental health issues. He was blasting music and muttering objectionably - but was harmless. He was then taken to task by lots of middle class, "politely" aggressive commuters and this was not an edifying spectacle. It didn't get out of hand, but it was pathetic how these stuffed shirts felt - in numbers - brave enough to have a go.

How I am looking forward to not commuting for a while.
