Enabling higher thinking

Had a crash course today in children's books. Met Lorraine at the library where she selected several children's books for me to look at, that were used successfully in schools. And there were more in Waterstones later. Children's books generally have such beautiful production values.

Lorraine explained in detail how the books were used in the context of a lesson, which was great. It was an excellent briefing, and soon had me thinking about a story for 7 year olds. One of the things I noticed about several of the stories was that there was some form of moral dilemma, and that - which surprised me - that there were lots of unanswered questions. This is the space that prompts the questions that "enable higher thinking" as Lorraine called it.

Went home and wrote and drew for several hours, seized by a simple idea.

In the evening went out with Lorraine, Brian, Anna and Anton. Anna making her way down to the restaurant with a crutch. We had a quick drink then had a pleasant and authentic seeming Mexican meal in a restaurant called La Cantina. Brian on very good form, and good to see him. I had a Tequila Sunrise and apply cinnamony pork thing which was pretty good. Then all back to the Eddy for a cheeky last beer before scurrying home out into the cold.
