Quietly working on a poem this morning, when I heard a anguished grief-stricken shrieking coming from one of the houses behind mine. As if somebody had heard about a death. Went outside ineffectually but somewhat alarmed. Nothing I could do I think.

Noticed that someone had torn off the flower of the big lily in my front garden in the night, for the second time this summer, which was a bit infuriating seeing as I had been in all night.

Spoke to Janet on Saturday who said that my roses needed deadheading. Which I had done that morning. Made me laugh that Janet is keeping a critical eye on my flora.

However today was the day of Matty boy's surprise party. Lurked briefly in the market before hand trying to buy another cushion cover but the man was no longer there. Spooner was however with Alison and the two bairns. The eldest straining willfully at his reins and covered in chicken pox.

Off to Ealing for the surprise party. Although I was late I was still in time to participate in the surprise! Matty being fenced into the North Star with Jeff and Craig apparently unawares. Nice party, with loads of good food, plenty of grog, and jolly good company. Had hours of playing volleyball too which I really enjoyed, me springing into the air like a large gazelle. Max insisting on playing volleyball too despite being pregnant. Nice to see Eva again, the FB and Matty boy's saintly German flatmate and lots of chats with folks including Robbie and Vicky from the dark place.

Matt on very good form, and very cheered by the party. The FB said he had been sulking the evening before as everyone had forgotten. To cheer himself up he bought a piano keyboard. Matt demonstrated this (switching to its organ function, eh-hem, after a bit) and he is a very accomplished player. Matt is generally very good at things.

Call of the seagull faint but insistent. Hoofed it and made it back very late after burbling on the tube to MJ. Slept like a hot labrador on the Brighton train.
