Chalk cliffs and dreamcoats

 Met Anton a little after noon, and went for a walk with him. Lorraine meanwhile went to meet the woman who owns the property liked by Maureen and Pat in Seaford. 

I took Anton up the non-traditional paths over Seaford Head. He was wearing shorts and got stung quite badly but apart from cursing the gollum paths I had chosen, we had an enjoyable stroll down to Cuckmere Haven where the tide was low and lots of people were walking across the beach. So many of the people walking here appear to be from Korea and China. Apparently a famous K-pop singer did a video there, and it was also the picture used by Microsoft as an opening screen in the far east. A lovely day for walking, and great to be sauntering along with Anton in the wild again.

We caught a bus opposite Friston Forest and made our way back to Seaford where we sat in the sunshine outside The Old Boot and had game of bones and drank some cold lager.

Bad Anton farewell at the Station, then mooched home. In the evening Lorraine and I collected James, and zoomed off to Devonshire Park Theatre in Eastbourne to see Betty perform in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. We met Julie and Andy there. The show was produced by Sarah Dormandy, Beth's old teacher and friend. And was full of energy and fun, with her cast of mainly young people from her theatre classes. Beth had a small but impactful part, carrying people on her back and simply stealing the show for the couple of minutes she was onstage. I loved seeing her glowing with happiness at being on stage again. It was a good production, in a large theatre with musicians in the orchestra pit and everything. The place was packed with 'real' people, ie audience that had nothing to do with the cast or anything.  

We went afterwards to a nearby hotel bar, with Julie and Andy, Beth with us and Sarah D and her daughter Natalia who was in the show came and sat with us too. Beth really happy, and loving being with her theatre pals again. A cheery evening. Julie telling me that she had been a high jumper, a skill passed on to her from her dad. 

Lorraine and I drove home in twenty minutes. A thoroughly nice day.

Below, Anton, and a low tide.
