And in a parallel universe...
An early start, writing some more. Dawn came to see Lorraine, and I went to Wimbledon to meet Simon. Listening to a bit of the Invisible Man by HG Wells as an audiobook. I have read it before, but it is to do with the stuff I've been writing lately. Counterintuitively, it is fairly easy to get to Wimbledon -- simply a train from Lewes to East Croydon, and a tram from there, which takes about 25 minutes. Met him in the same pub at two at last time, but we soon repaired to get some food, a Fatto a Mano pizza. After a bit, and a couple of beers it is like no time has passed really. In a parallel universe Simon and I have sat in the corner of a pub and talked nonsense since 1979. He's moved into a new house and seems very happy there, and is working three days a week still. Ever the dark horse, he seems content in his life. I tried to get a photo of him, that didn't look weird, but he was pulling weird faces so here's one of those.
Fond farewells at Wimbledon, and I came home in time for dinner and relaxing on the gold sofa with Lorraine. All well.