Destination Seaford

Wrote a sequence of seven interlinked poems exactly right for my new collection. Amazed and and delighted by one of those rare days when I was completely in a state of flow.  Only time will tell if what flowed out was any good, but that's a different matter.

Meanwhile Lorraine up to London with Beth to see Moulin Rouge in the Piccadilly Theatre. They met Tobs briefly too, to hand over an errant jumper that had hidden behind a Seaford door, before he went off to see some of his Rabbit pals.  They loved the show, and Lorraine was listening to the show music this evening.

Great news from Beth. The offer she and James have made on the house in Seaford has been accepted. It's all very exciting indeed. Lorraine very happy about this too. 

I meanwhile, elated by my own brilliant day's work, also went to the gym so felt doubly good about myself.   
