All well in Edgware

Up early and phoned Mum to see how everything was. Mason fine again and so I zoomed off to the Jolly Badger to meet them as planned. Lorraine packed me a healthy seeds and yoghurt breakfast to eat on the train.

Apparently the folks at the Waggon and Horses had been very kind to them, and Mum said people had been rubbing her back and giving her a free drink, and people really taking care of Mason. Mason said he was okay too, but was a bit tired out by yesterday's shenanigans. After they'd seen me, they drove to the pub to thank everyone. Everyone delighted to see Mason up and about again. Dehydration may have contributed.

My journeys quite pleasant despite forgetting to pack my laptop. I got my paces up walking on the platforms while waiting for trains, and finished listening to The Other Pandemic by James Ball, all about Q Anon and the rampant conspiracy theories and misinformation. He makes several interesting points, one of them is that the people who have become infected are not to be blamed. That they should be thought of as people who succumbed to a Covid-style pandemic.

Home at just before five, and chilled out for the evening. Pleased how I'd managed to eat really healthily today, and even squeeze in a glass of wine. 

A baleful summer's day in London. I changed trains and snapped the view from Blackfriars. 

