Enter Occy

Up earlier today. Lorraine drove Pat and Maureen off to have their covid (or 'covis' as Maureen calls it) jabs. They also went to M&S and got stuck in abominable traffic so where gone a while.  

Meanwhile I progressed for a few hours with editing podcasts, completing the edit of the Pete Raynard interview, and then pressing on with the Sarah Barnsley one.

I kitchen portered for Maureen, a harrowing experience, and after lunch I went for a long stroll around the Rec and neighbouring streets. Enjoyed Willesbrough Cemetery which has some fine trees and interesting graves. Some new looking ones for boys killed in the First World War. But I liked this one best, for "Bunny"Bernard Stanley Fuller 22.12.1925-31.12.2006. SIX FEET DEEP/LIES AN OLD/ BRICKLAYER/ FAST ASLEEP. The Rec had a mischief of magpies flapping about. I counted eight for a wish. 

Lorraine, meanwhile, triumphantly completed the Robyn octopus pattern, but is renaming it now it is complete to Occy she has been knitting for months. I think it is a brilliant achievement for a first project, with knobbly suckers on eight legs. Apparently a rabbit is next. 
