Ill starred coffee

This morning I tipped a full mug of coffee over my desk, into my mac keyboard and into my lap. This necessitated much emergency drying of the keyboard, and keeping it upside down and so on, and mopping coffee off the floor and my desk and changing my trousers and having a shower. Had to resurrect my MacBook air, which is doing its best to cross peacefully over to the other side. Once I'd downloaded the updates, and charged its wheezing old battery I had wasted yet another hour. Did laundry instead. 

Managed to do a bit of writing, however.

The octopus job back out of its tank and needing attention tomorrow morning. While in another job done last week, nobody in the organisation can say to whom I should send my invoice. This month's income will, if everyone pays, be pretty decent. 

Spoke to mum, who was cheery because she received the cross stitch embroidery that Lorraine had made and posted to her last week.

A couple of walks during the day and just scraped my ten thousand paces. Lorraine home fairly early tonight, and we had a lovely fish and cocoanut milk curry.  

Lorraine sneezing violently all evening, as it was very warm today and released a tidal wave of pollen or something which had her exploding.  I began to watch Mark Kermode's tv show about familiar horror movie tropes, and Lorraine simply went to bed at this point. She is not good with horror.
