A sense of purpose

A welcome sense of purpose today --  writing fluently first thing, chatting to Dan, MD of an agency for which Keith and I will be doing a small job later in the week. Felt weirdly good to be signing a new NDA (non disclosure agreement). Doing recordings with Robin this afternoon, the what we are reading section and so on. I talked about Audrey Lorde's essay The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House. We, at least, have good a laugh when we record these bits. 

Lorraine home and we had dinner and played Pode for some time, it is a cooperative game where a fallen star (Lorraine) and a boulder (me) wander about in a subterranean underworld. I get somewhat sidetracked, however, by gleefully throwing myself into abysses and jumping on Lorraine's character's head which makes her squeak. This is strictly speaking not part of the game. 

Two strolls today, to get me to my ten thousand steps. Below a bit of black and white business.

