Veiled squabbles

Pressed on with poems -- the new one about Hollingbury Hillfort good I think, and may be the sort of poem you can enter into a competition -- and editing of episode 2 of the podcast. Took down the masking tape and touched up a few bits of the bathroom and made good, also went for a long walk.  cleared my study of the mountain of DIY stuff that had been in there. Made a cheeky stir fry with grilled salmon this evening, Lorraine home early but then into a long zoom meeting. 

I sat in my study armchair and read more of All My Yesterdays, by Steve Howe. He comes across as egotistical, meticulous, and private. There is precious little insight into, or appreciation of, other musicians he played with. A few veiled mention of squabbles. However I did learn that my boyhood hero Chris Squire struggled with alcoholism, which saddened me.

When Lorraine emerged we watched another unchallenging and vaguely comforting episode of Death In Paradise

Views on my stroll today up and around the hill. 
