The philosophy of clowns
Woke up at 5:30 drenched in sweat, convinced I had a temperature. However I took it and was actually a degree colder, i.e. the perfect temperature for someone waking up at 5:30. Felt much better as the day progressed, and began sniffing slightly this afternoon. I now believe I have had a slight coldly bug, but as the day wore on I became convinced the grim reaper was not lying in wait for me.
Otherwise a Microsoft Teams meeting with Pat, Keith and Carolyn to get a briefing this morning. And spent the day chatting with Keith in a little window on my screen and coming up with concepts and having a bit of a laugh. Managed also to do several short walks too, so that I felt more alive and had reached 9k paces by the end of the day.
Lorraine home late, but I had cooked. Watched some more of the Gone Fishing show with Paul Whitehouse and Bob Mortimer. Beautiful TV shot in gorgeous places, little touching essays on friendship, and full of the philosophy of clowns.