Fire in the sky

A lovely relaxed holiday day. Up and pottering about, then off in the car, grateful for the air conditioning, and thinking about another water feature in our garden. Went to Maidenhead Aquatics, where we looked at overpriced things and fishtanks and fishes, and then a salvage yard where Lorraine spotted a bird bath, with roses on it. We scored that bad boy then came home with our booty, after stopping at another garden centre to mooch about toying with alternative ways of having a little fountain in the garden.

My interviewee from yesterday emailed, and graciously accepted another recording. A chance to get it right this time.

Off at lunchtime to The Park View, where Lorraine and I had lunch and a couple of cold beers in the beer garden, well distanced from anyone else. It being a Tuesday, the food was subsidised too. Beth had put the idea of burgers into our heads yesterday, and we simply found ourselves having burgers. Great fun though.

In the evening we drove off to Hove, and after a bit of a job finding a parking place, Lorraine and I mooched down to the sea again, and went straight into the water. Lovely to cool down at last after a hot day. Amazing to be there, with barbecue smoke hazing the hot air, the sea glassy and falling into pearl-like colours, and the sun setting in a fiery blaze of red and orange. People in the sea looked like a marine version of a Lowry picture.

We went home sometime after sundown, but nobody seemed to want to leave the beach.

Toby called this evening, and showed us where he and Romy were staying beside a gorgeous Canadian lake, and a little floating jetty where he and Romy would be swimming from in crystal clear lake water, with a forest of water weeds, and later gaze up into the sky full of stars.

Below westwards from Hove, and L and I just having had a swim a wee bit before.
