Time out

Lorraine taking it easy this Saturday trying to get over a nasty chest cough and cold, and I wanted to look after her by bringing teas and breakfasts in bed and so on. My throat, ears and sinuses flared up again with gusto too, and by the time the afternoon came, all I wanted to do is sleep. I tried to do some writing. Then when Lorraine got up we did a few household chores done together,  Lorraine and I simply rested and slept on the sofa through the afternoon.

Today was the story of things not happening. We were due to pop down to The Basketmakers in the afternoon to say goodbye to Irish Tom, who is permanently returning to Ireland, but didn't. We were also supposed to see Jess and Andrew tonight, but as Andrew has to go in for a heart operation shortly, and doesn't need to risk getting a cold.

While I was slumped on the sofa, Lorraine cooked lots of nice things she would have cooked this afternoon. We both hen mindlessly slumped in front of x factor, and then repaired to bed. John came around late this evening, after working on a late shift, and stayed with us as we are driving to Ashford tomorrow morning.
